Rebuilding 18 streets in Mosta
Infrastructure Malta is rebuilding 18 residential roads in Mosta during the next 18 months.
The agency is dedicating additional resources to improve several roads in this locality, after they had been left in a state of disrepair for many years. Since it was established in 2018, Infrastructure Malta received many requests for assistance from Mosta residents living in these streets. Upgrading them to applicable standards involves extensive technical expertise and financial resources, way beyond the reach of the Local Council’s limited allocations.
Infrastructure Malta liaised with the Local Council to prioritise several streets that need immediate attention. Nine of them are in the Tad-Dib area, close to St Sylvester’s Chapel. The sorry state of these roads has been causing safety risks and other difficulties to residents for a very long time. The agency contracted additional resources specifically for this area, over and above the ongoing seven-year nationwide residential road reconstruction programme launched last year. Infrastructure Malta will continue working with other local councils to prioritise areas whose streets call for such additional resources.
Works in two of the nine streets at Tad-Dib, San Silvestru Street u Il-Familja Cumbo Street started earlier this month. The other seven roads identified for this project are Alofju Wignacourt Street, Kumbu Street, Il-Ballata Street, Il-Bdoti Street, Silvestru Fiteni Street, It-Taħħan Street and Ta’ Vnezja Street. In these nine streets, Infrastructure Malta is laying nearly two kilometres of new pipelines and cable ducts to reinforce the existing underground water, Internet and other telecommunication networks supplying the area’s residents. It will then build new road foundations and one and a half kilometres of new footpaths before laying new asphalt surfaces.
Through other ongoing road reconstruction projects, Infrastructure Malta is currently rebuilding San Pawl tal-Qliegħa Street and Tas-Sriedek Street in the Tas-Sriedek area of Mosta. In the coming months, it will start works in Il-Kbira Street, Il-Waqqafa Street, Madre Tereza Spinelli Street and Ruzar Briffa Street in the Taz-Zokrija neighbourhood, as well as Ta’ Bistra Street, Manwella Street and Ruzinjol Street in other parts of this locality.
Now in its second year, Infrastructure Malta’s long-term plan to upgrade the quality of Malta’s residential roads includes the reconstruction of hundreds of roads in all localities. Several local and international road construction companies are being engaged to implement this multi-million infrastructural investment.
Some streets included in this programme had in fact never been built before. Others are in such a terrible condition that they need to be dug up and rebuilt from scratch as well. Before starting works on site, Infrastructure Malta consults the utilities and other companies that have underground distribution networks in these streets to identify any pipelines or cables that need to be added or replaced. This process reduces the risk of having to dig up streets soon after they are rebuilt. Where necessary, road foundations are replaced using stronger materials to increase the lifetime of the new asphalt surfaces. The reconstruction process is concluded with the painting of line markings and the installation of new road signs and other safety equipment, as necessary.