Infrastructure Malta rebuilding another 170 residential roads
Infrastructure Malta is issuing a call for offers to rebuild another 170 residential roads in different localities.
This call for offers follows a similar one issued last year for another 120 residential roads that started being reconstructed earlier this year. These upgrades, valued at €70 million, are being financed through the Government’s €700 million national investment to upgrade the quality of Maltese roads in seven years.
Prospective bidders are being invited to submit offers for the required works to reconstruct six lots of residential roads, adding up to 52 kilometres of roads with up to 85 kilometres of pavements. In each street, contractors are required to remove the existing road surface, replace and extend old underground water, electricity, Internet or telecoms networks as requested by the respective service providers, repair or rebuild pavements and storm water systems, and build up new road surfaces with stronger foundations and new layers of asphalt. The roads will then be completed with the required safety systems, road markings, signage and other facilities.
The roads included in this second call for offers include:
Trejqet ir-Reġina
Triq l-Isptar
Triq l-Inħasa
Ħal Balzan
Triq San Valentinu
Triq Sisner
Triq Ġuze Bonnici
Triq San Filippu
Pjazza Birgu
Triq Papa Urbanus VIII
Triq Anġlu Mallia
Triq L-Isqof Labini
Triq il-Bżulija
Triq il-Għirgħien
Triq il-Musbieħ
Triq Il-Pellegrinaġġ
Triq San Franġisk
Triq l-Oratorju
Triq Santa Margerita
Triq Misraħ Suffara
Triq l-Għarnuq
Triq San Xmun
Triq San Publiju
Triq il-Miratur
Triq San Tumas
Ħal Għargħur
Triq Katerina Sammut
Sqaq il-Ħofra
Triq l-Indipendenza
Ħal Għaxaq
Triq it-Tgeżwira
Triq Ġużeppi D'Arena
Triq tal-Qattus
Triq Dun V. Scicluna Hernandez
Triq l-Ewwel ta' Jannar
Triq id-Dejqa
Triq Joseph Pace
Triq Santa Katerina
Unnamed road between Triq Joseph Gravina and Triq Ħal Għaxaq
Triq Tas-Sliema
Triq Ċensu Bugeja
Triq Villambrosa
Triq Karmenu Abela
Triq il-Wied
Triq il-Bruka
Triq Portu Salvu
Triq San Ġiljan
Triq il-Kunċizzjoni
Triq is-Sienja
Trejqet Francesco Chircop
Triq il-Kapuċċini
Triq il-Ġir
Ħal Kirkop
Triq San Ġużepp
Triq Nerik Xerri
Sqaq Sant’ Andrija
Ħal Lija
Triq is-Salvatur
Triq Ugo Mifsud
Triq Annibale Preca (p/o)
Triq il-Kbira
Ħal Luqa
Triq il-Ġdida
Trejqa Dun Ġulju Muscat
Triq id-Disgħa t'April
Triq il-Marsa
Triq Azzopardi
Triq Isouard
Triq tal-Gardiel (p/o)
Triq San Ġwakkin
Triq Patri Wistin Born
Triq La Sengle
Triq ġdida fi Triq tas-Silġ
Triq Duncan
Triq Għajn Osiris
Triq ta’ Ġuno
Triq it-Tabib Joseph Grech Attard
Triq ir-Rattan
Triq Dun Ġużepp Micallef
Triq ix-Xagħra tal-Knisja
Triq ir-Riħ tal-Barriera
Triq Madre Tereża
Triq San Filippu
Triq Madre Maria Teresa Spinelli
Triq Rużar Briffa (Ta’ Żokrija)
Triq ta’ Bistra
Triq il-Manwella
Triq Durumblat
Sqaq tas-Serer (in Triq Ħal Kirkop)
Triq George Martin
Triq Bieb it-Torri
Triq it-Torri
Triq tal-Qroqq
Triq Nazju Falzon
Triq ta’ Xmiexi
Triq Frans Galea
Triq ir-Razzett l-Aħmar
Triq Michael Fsadni
Triq il-Magħtab
Triq Leli Falzon
Triq fi Triq tat-Tarġa (Magħtab)
Triq il-Wied
Triq Sultana
Triq Martin Luther King
Triq San Patrizju
Trejqet Patri Pelaġju Mifsud
Trejqet Giuseppe M.Letard
Trejqet Patri Odorik Grima
Triq Patri Serafin Zarb
Triq Santa Monika
Triq K.Mifsud
Triq San Girgor
Ħal Qormi
Triq il-Kanun (p/o)
Triq Dun Ġwann Cilia
Triq Ġorg Zammit
Sqaq il-Mejda (San Niklaw)
Triq Sant’ Anna
Triq Santa Marija
Triq l-Iskultura
Triq Santa Barbara
Ħal Safi
Triq San Ġwann
Triq it-Tellerit
Triq il-Kaċċattur (p/o)
San Ġiljan
Triq Patrick Brydone
Triq Hans Stumme
Triq Zammit Clapp
San Ġwann
Triq G. Despott
Triq San Franġisk
Triq ta’ Żwejt
Triq iċ-Ċawsli
San Pawl il-Baħar
Triq Ibħra
Triq il-Mistrieħ
Triq Ċensu Tanti
Triq il-Ġifen
Triq Annetto Caruana
Triq Paderborn
Triq Sir Luigi Preziosi
Santa Luċija
Triq il-Gardenja
Triq il-Bruka
Triq iż-Żnuber
Santa Venera
Triq San Ġorġ
Triq Brighella
Triq il-Kardinal Sciberras
Triq il-Blata l-Kaħla
Triq Abela
Triq Patri Ġużepp Delia
Triq it-Tiġrija
Triq it-Torri
Triq il-Kbira (High Street)
Triq it-Tomna
Triq ir-Ratal
Triq l-Ilqugħ
Ta’ Xbiex
Triq l-Abate Rigord
Ix-Xatt Ta’ Xbiex (p/o)
Ħal Tarxien
Triq Marjanu Gerada
Triq it-Tempji Neolitiċi
Triq Paola
Triq l-Ifran (p/o)
Triq iz-Zekka (p/o)
Triq l-Ispnott
Triq l-Iskola
Triq Ħaż-Żabbar
Triq il-Fortizza tal-Grazzja
Triq Francis X. Attard (p/o)
Triq Ta’ Lanza
Triq ir-Rand
Triq in-Naħla
Triq Ħal Sajd
Triq il-Madonna
Triq il-Ħali
Triq il-Kbira
Triq il-President Anton Buttigieg
Triq il-Faqqus
Triq Bugħarbiel
Sqaq Barċellona
Unnamed road in Triq il-Wied (Wied Babu)
Triq Sant' Agatha (and side roads)
Triq il-Midra
A few weeks ago, Infrastructure Malta started works on the first 31 of the 120 roads included in the first €53.5 million contract financed through the €700 million programme. Some of these roads are now nearing completion. They include Fgura’s Triq Ġdida fi Triq l-Għarnuq, Vjal Sir Temi Zammit, in Ta’ Xbiex, Triq Wied Għomor, in St Julian’s and Triq Ħadd in-Nies and Triq in-Newl, in Żabbar. The contractors who are completing these roads will immediately start working on more of the 120 residential roads included in the first contract.
As Infrastructure Malta specified in the first call for offers issued last year, the second call announced on Monday is also binding bidders to confirm their technical capability to complete the works involved within the specified timeframes and at the established quality and safety standards. This will ensure that works in residential roads are reconstructed in the shortest possible time, without compromising on quality and safety. Contractors with unjustified delays are being fined. Any works that fail to reach the specified quality benchmarks are being redone at the contractors’ expense.
After consulting local councils and other stakeholders, and after considering requests for assistance from many residents, Infrastructure Malta is determining the priority for the rebuilding of residential roads based on an assessment of their current condition and other factors, such as their connection to other roads and areas within a locality, as well as frequency of use. In scheduling the works in each locality, Infrastructure Malta is also considering nearby activities that may be impacted by road works, such as tourist zones and schools.
Whilst these residential roads are being upgraded, Infrastructure Malta is also implementing other multi-million projects to improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of the country’s arterial road network. Since its establishment in summer 2018, the agency completed the second phase of the Marsa Junction Project, including the upgrading of Triq Aldo Moro and Triq il-Gvern Lokali. It also finished the widening of the Marsa-Hamrun Bypass, the reconstruction of Triq Dicembru 13 and the rebuilding of several critical junctions such as the two main roundabouts at Zebbug.
It is currently working on the construction of the Marsa Junction Project’s seven flyovers (third phase), the upgrading of Triq Regjonali, in Msida, to a six-lane road and the reconstruction of Triq tal-Balal, between San Gwann and Naxxar, Triq il-Buqana, between Mtarfa and Mgarr, Triq Bormla, connecting Zabbar and Zejtun and Triq Hal Luqa, in Santa Lucija. Other projects, including the reconstruction of Triq Hal Qormi, between Qormi and Luqa, the development of two new tunnels beneath the Santa Lucija roundabout and Central Link Project, are scheduled to commence later this year. Central Link Project is a major investment in the arterial road corridor connecting Mriehel, Birkirkara, Balzan, Attard and Ta’ Qali. It includes the upgrading of several junctions and the introduction of new facilities for alternative modes of travel, to halve travel times in these areas and to drastically improve air quality in nearby localities.