Swieqi - St. Julian’s Junction Improvement
Infrastructure Malta announces the development of the Swieqi – St. Julian’s Junction, a significant investment that will transform the current traffic light junction into a grade-separated junction. This project will organise traffic flow in the area and address long standing accessibility issues to/from Swieqi and St. Julian’s.
During a technical media briefing, officials detailed the upgrade plans for the Swieqi - St Julian’s area. The project is part of the ongoing improvements to the TEN-T arterial road network and is designed to facilitate better access to these communities, improve safety, and encourage active mobility.
The project's focus is along Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli and its immediate vicinity, extending direct links from the junction with Triq Normandy, on the north, to Triq il-Marbat, Swieqi, on the south.
Key improvements include better management of traffic flow and turning movements into Swieqi and St. Julian’s, enhancing the effectiveness of entry and exit points. For active mobility users, the project delivers new footpaths and an enhanced pedestrian link replacing the current vehicle underpass between Triq is-Swieqi and Triq Santu Wistin.
Traffic modifications include a new slip road from the Northbound carriageway of Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli to Swieqi and St. Julian’s, designed to allow traffic to flow separately and avoid conflicts with the main route. Similarly, traffic exiting St. Julian’s proceeding Northbound, shall use an adjacent route below Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli to merge with the inner lane of the main Northbound carriageway. The exit from Swieqi will be improved through a link below Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli in lieu of the existing substandard underpass connecting the same Swieqi Road with Triq Santu Wistin.
Additionally, the project will upgrade the stormwater system to better manage rainwater through improved catchments and discharge points.
Following extensive consultations with stakeholders, including local councils, Infrastructure Malta will be submitting preliminary plans to the Planning Authority, with further adjustments anticipated as discussions progress. This project represents a significant step forward in the agency’s commitment to improve infrastructure and mobility within the communities of Swieqi and St. Julian’s.